Top 10 Myths about Drinking Alcohol

With 95% ABV, Everclear is definitely one of the strongest alcoholic drink that you can ever taste. The alcohol is tasteless, colourless and odourless and is so strong that even the label on the bottle discourages people from drinking it straight. There is a misconception that those who have alcohol problems are uneducated or poor; this is a prime alcohol myth.

myths about alcoholism

The reality is that beer continues alcohol and some of the stronger beers can contain high levels of alcohol. Those alcoholics who move onto the stronger liquors may be doing so because it is all they can afford. If you think you may have alcohol use disorder or a related problem, such as binge drinking, you’re not alone.

Alcoholics Have Blackouts

I am a dedicated and seasoned health writer passionate about transforming complex medical jargon into accessible, actionable information. Leveraging extensive research and a knack for distilling complicated topics, my work is a reliable resource for a diverse online audience. As widespread as alcoholism continues to be, there are many misconceptions and…

  • Once it enters your system, it triggers immediate physiological changes in the brain, heart, and liver, among other organs.
  • Those who et addicted to alcohol find it difficult to get off it.
  • When people do not recognize the behaviors and compulsions that alcoholism causes, they may never know that they need help.
  • In the United States, one alcoholic or “standard” drink contains the same amount of alcohol—roughly 14 grams.
  • Though some people may be able to perform day-to-day tasks while abusing alcohol, known as a functioning alcoholic, it does not mean they don’t have an addiction.

Another common misconception is that people who struggle with alcohol addiction cannot maintain a job. In reality, people who have an alcohol use disorder may be able to hide their addiction and continue to function quite well at work. In an IOP, patients are able to live at home and attend therapy and group sessions during the day. It is usually three to five times per week for several hours a day. Because the individual will be living at home, IOPs are frequently used after residential programs as a step along the continuum of care. This is meant to ease the patient back to an unsupervised life while maintaining sobriety.

Watch: Here’s What Alcohol Does To Your Brain And Body

After two weeks into quitting alcohol, you may start to lose weight, due to the removal of calories from alcoholic drinks. For whatever reason, there’s this misconception out there that if someone myths about alcoholism gets too drunk they can just drink some coffee and it will fix them right up. If you are drunk, nothing will sober you up except the time it takes to pass the alcohol through your body.

I couldn’t do everyday things, like folding laundry, without a drink by my side. I was on the verge of being fired, my husband was fed up, and my kids kept their distance. Alcohol was my constant companion and my chemical courage throughout college and my early 20s. As I moved on to adult things like a corporate job, marriage, and motherhood, I didn’t let my best friend out of my sight. Alcohol became my coping mechanism, my nightly self-care, my sanity in a bottle.

Bruichladdich X4 Quadrupled Whiskey (92% Alcohol)

Others are able to hold down their jobs or are able to find another job if they are fired or have to quit. In fact, job-related stress is one of the most common triggers for drinking, and continued job stress makes alcohol abuse recovery and sobriety difficult. No one said overcoming a drinking problem is easy but it certainly is not impossible. With the right support, professional help, and guidance a person can reach sobriety.

  • It’s important to debunk these alcohol myths and uncover the truth behind alcoholism.
  • Consider your goals, why do you want to stop drinking alcohol?
  • As one of the many alcohol myths, this one in particular is an untrue idea.
  • Another one of the misconceptions about alcohol is that everyone who drinks heavily will become addicted.

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