The Dangers of Boredom When in Addiction Recovery How To Avoid Relapse

It’s important to remember how many people, upwards of 20 million in the United States alone, are in recovery and have found better, more fulfilling lives. Once you take some time to imagine what you really want your life to look like, maybe create a vision board. For a vision board, you can use images or even words that illustrate your dreams. For example, if you want to travel to a certain area of the world, put pictures of that place on your vision board. If you want to spend more time with family, put pictures of your own family and also families engaged in fun activities on your board.

Becoming more aware of your alcohol triggers and reasons for drinking can help you plan ways to help manage the urge to drink. The line between alcohol use and misuse doesn’t just depend on how many drinks you have or how often you drink. Instead, it depends on whether your use causes problems in your life.

Avoiding Relapse Due to Boredom

Additionally, these programs outline alcohol recovery steps and provide support along the way. Additionally, thinking about why you drink and identifying situations where you feel triggered to drink can be beneficial in managing your drinking out of boredom drinking. Asking yourself questions to learn more about your drinking habits can be beneficial. Avoid asking yourself questions such as “How do I stop drinking,” or “How do I stop being an alcoholic,” as these tend to be unhelpful.

In the event of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical care immediately by calling emergency services (dial 911). While it is not recommended for severe cases, you may wonder how to rehab from alcohol at home. It is important to create a supportive environment for the period of alcohol withdrawal.

Change Your Environment

The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers. Drinking alone can become problematic when a person has a habit of doing it. You may believe you must hide your drinking from others, so you drink solo. You might not want to hear people express concerns about your alcohol consumption or see their disapproving looks. If you drink alone, monitor how often you do this and consider why.

I planned to host a storytelling club and house concert. Eventually, I learned to have self-compassion and to stop constantly berating myself for tiny and often imaginary mistakes. But there was quite a lot of therapy, 12 step work, trial and error with medication and, a couple of diagnoses along the way towards arriving at that. At first, the worst thing about being long-term sober (and this meant weeks, initially) was the sameiness of my consciousness. Afraid of making mistakes and of what people thought of me. I ruminated over tiny things and couldn’t seem to just relax and let things go.

Step Two: Set a Goal to Limit Your Drinking

Everyone gets bored sometimes, it’s just the way life is. It’s what makes certain parts of your life all the more exciting. The boring moments make the exciting moments seem all the more exciting. We have the seasons where we can stroll around in the fine warm weather and other seasons where we have to get all dressed up in our woolen winter clothes.

hard to quit drinking out of boredom

When you use drugs and alcohol, you’re essentially overclocking your dopamine system and this may go on for years or decades. When you quit, your brain is underwhelmed by things that might normally be interesting and enjoyable. Your brain is only sensitive to things related to drugs and alcohol.

For others, it means drinking with intention, not out of (bad) habit. As Allen told me, when it comes to mindful drinking, “we want to minimize the frequency and maximize the enjoyment.” Plus, the study suggested, the month gave people a chance to experience the benefits of sobriety and learn that they didn’t need to drink to enjoy themselves. “Anytime people change a behavior, our natural gut reaction — literally — is to experience more hunger,” she said. “There’s the boredom factor and the reward factor.” Witkiewitz added, “And food is a very accessible, natural reward.”

Why can’t I stop drinking even though I want to?

Ironically, the reason it's so hard to quit drinking is because alcohol makes us feel so good! It produces a lot of the chemistry our brain's associates with pleasure, neurotransmitters like dopamine. When we drink regularly, our brain gets used to elevated dopamine levels.

Getting involved in support groups in both early and long-term recovery can be key to not only staying sober but also feeling connected and having fun in sobriety. Oftentimes, these groups have social events and activities ongoing for you to participate in, meet new friends, and relieve boredom. But what happens when you grow weary of these routines? It’s vital to be aware of this sometimes overlooked trigger. The reasons people start drinking alcohol is very different than the reasons they continue to drink alcohol.

Futures Recovery

If you know your willpower weakens after 9 pm, get up before then and go and have a warm shower instead. In the meantime, the Soberish community is here to support you and help you get there. This is the part where you figure out how to enjoy life without a little something extra to help loosen you up. So now comes the arduous task of learning how to manage the tough stuff without a chemical crutch like alcohol.

hard to quit drinking out of boredom

To pull off this excursion, you have to be serious and plan ahead. At first, I used sugar to help manage the strangeness of always being sober. I tried meditation (though never quite managed to get a consistent practice.) Nature seemed to help. I thought I needed to drink to dance and be outgoing, but it turned out not to be true. Since I got sober, I discovered that I prefer socialising one-to-one.

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